Persuasion 101

8 Sep

Im loving the fact that Al-Qabas is promoting anti-smoking, but Im not loving the ad itself!

First of all, HELLO- black and white is sooo 90S!! Secondly, could the slogan get any MORE BORING (i got tired while reading it!)? Most importantly, why does the guy look so COOL n izgirt while SMOKING? IF I were a smoker, Id see the ad, nodd, smile, and flip over to the next page!! Anti- smoking ads should make me FEEL like Im killing myself, they shouldn’t  just throw meaningless facts at me! Loving the attempt, but lets try to have kids actually WANT to stop killing themeselves, by just a quick look at the ad. Amen to that! Thats PERSUASION 101!

2 Responses to “Persuasion 101”

  1. noon September 10, 2010 at 10:53 PM #

    i think the gun should be pointed to someone next to him because people around smokers are more prone to get affected than the smokers !

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